Suffering From Knee Pain?

reNu Medical & Injury Center with Dr. Matthew DeFroda can help manage many common pain problems, including persistent knee pain in Newark, DE. If you have pain in your knee and aren't sure where it originates, it is important to reach out to a professional who can help you better understand this issue. Knowing what may have caused this problem can help you recover more easily.

Causes of Pain in the Knee

Common pain triggers in the knee include:

  • Sports injuries caused by heavy impact, such as a tackle in football
  • Repetitive use, such as improperly performing exercise
  • Not lifting heavy items properly in manual labor jobs
  • Arthritis and other progressively worsening joint and bone conditions
  • Genetic predisposition towards pain in the knee
  • Obesity that puts more strain on your joints

If you've experienced any of these potential pain triggers and your knee is suffering, it is important to get immediate care to ensure that you recover as much of your strength and stability as possible.

Treatment Options for Your Pain

If you have knee pain in Newark, DE, and you need help recovering, it is important to take this situation seriously. Letting your joint degrade may cause severe pain and make walking nearly impossible. Just a few steps that you can take to manage this situation include:

  • Rest and Ice: Immediately after developing pain in your knee, it is important to rest and ice the area. Doing so can help reduce the inflammation that may be worsening this situation for you.
  • Medication: Your treatment specialist can prescribe many types of pain medications that can decrease your suffering and reduce your inflammation throughout the knee region.
  • Chiropractic Care: Chiropractors can help manage many knee problems by providing hands-on care that stabilizes the joint and minimizes degradation to the bones and tendons.
  • Aftercare Recovery: After chiropractic care, you may need other therapy options to help improve your knee strength. While surgery may be necessary in some cases, more conservation actions are usually done first.

Working with a chiropractic specialist can help you decrease your knee problems for both short- and long-term recovery needs. Physical therapy may also help, as it can restore stability and strength to the area and increase your tendon flexibility and strength.

Take Care of Your Body

If you have pain in your knee that you want to be managed, reach out to us at reNu Medical & Injury Center to work with Dr. DeFroda. He can help you understand your knee pain treatment in Newark, DE, and work you through your recovery. Call us at (302) 368-0124 to learn more about your care options, including hands-on chiropractic care to handle this painful situation.

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