Understanding the Different Types of Back Pain: Causes and Symptoms

At reNu Medical & Injury Center, our team can help manage various issues. For instance, we can treat back pain in Newark, DE, to ensure that you get the help that you need. Here’s what you need to know about the different types of pain you might experience and what might trigger them.

Types of Pain to Watch

If your back hurts and you aren’t sure what kind affects you, it’s important to read through this list to understand what types may impact you. There are generally three types that may occur throughout various parts of your back, including:

  • Axial Pain: Often called mechanical pain, this issue typically occurs in one spot, such as your lower, middle, or upper back. It can be sharp and dull or constant and throbbing.
  • Referred Pain: This type of pain often moves around the back and causes varying levels of intensity that may affect your back’s overall strength. 
  • Radicular Pain: Radicular pain typically triggers electric shock-like pain that is rather searing and is typically caused by compression or inflammation on a spinal nerve root.

These issues may spread throughout your back to various areas and cause minor or major suffering. The intensity will vary based on the severity of your injury or triggering issue. As a result, it’s important to know what kind of things might trigger these back issues.

Potential Triggering Issues 

At reNu Medical & Injury Center, we know that back pain in Newark, DE, residents can have many triggering problems. Usually, it occurs when your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and spinal column experience problems. These can include various diseases, like arthritis or compression problems on your spinal cord. Areas that are likely to be affected include:

  • The large muscles around your spine that support its overall health 
  • Spinal nerves around the spinal canal that might affect your legs 
  • Facet joints throughout the vertebrae may fail and cause pressure 
  • Discs throughout the spine that get compressed or damaged 
  • Muscles, tendons, or ligaments going “out” of place and causing pain 

Our team understands these potential issues and will take the time to address how they affect you. Furthermore, we’ll sit down with you and help you understand how to avoid them. 

Give Us the Chance To Help You

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at reNu Medical & Injury Center to manage your back pain in Newark, DE, to ensure that things go smoothly. You can call us at (302) 368-0124 to learn more about your care options. Our team of professionals will sit down with you and make sure that you understand the varying care methods available for your needs as a person.

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