Get Help After Auto Accidents

After an auto accident, you are focused on receiving immediate medical attention and working with insurance companies to repair your vehicle. You may not realize that the injuries can have long-lasting effects, some of which can be debilitating years down the road. At reNu Medical & Injury Center in Newark, DE, Dr. Matthew DeFroda recommends that patients see a chiropractor soon after their auto accidents.

Common Injuries After Auto Accidents

You may not have symptoms of injuries immediately after your auto accident. Days later, you may feel stiff and sore, and you may notice that you have a limited range of motion. The reason is that inflammation takes time to develop in soft tissues and around your spine and joints. Whiplash is the most common injury after an auto accident, and you may also develop sciatica, tendonitis, headaches, shoulder pain, and lower back pain.

Long-Term Health Issues After a Car Accident

Auto accident injuries cause trauma to soft tissues and joints. Although your body appears to heal, it may do so in a way that increases the risk of long-term health issues, such as arthritis and herniated discs. Scar tissue may form around the injury, and this affects your range of motion and can cause chronic pain.

Why Chiropractic Care is Important After Auto Accidents

Even with a seatbelt, your body is thrown around during an auto accident due to the force of the collision. Your spine and joints may be misaligned as a result. This creates the perfect environment for inflammation, muscle strain, and other conditions. Dr. DeFroda performs a comprehensive examination to locate areas where treatment will ease your symptoms and help you heal faster.

Chiropractic Treatments for Auto Accident Injuries

As a board-certified chiropractor, Dr. DeFroda offers advanced treatments for your auto accident injuries. He may recommend cold laser therapy, rehabilitation, injection therapy, massage therapy, spinal adjustments, and trigger point therapy.

How Many Treatments are Needed After an Auto Accident?

Initially, Dr. DeFroda may recommend that you see him a few times per week. As your symptoms subside, he may recommend fewer treatments each week. From that point, he may recommend that you schedule appointments every two to four weeks to monitor your progress and ensure that your injuries are resolved.

If you were recently in a car accident, see our chiropractor for an evaluation and comprehensive treatment plan. Call reNu Medical & Injury Center in Newark, DE, today at (302) 368-0124 to schedule an appointment with Dr. DeFroda.

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